Sprint But Iterate: How Product Content Pros Can Adopt/Adapt Agility (Part 3)

Agility isn’t difficult. What is difficult is sustaining a rapid work pace without knowing why, without having context. Context is especially important for product content developers. That is why my proposed ideal for an agile content development system continuously provides context for the work at hand.

I’ll explain in detail here. But first let me provide context for this blog post.

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Sprint but Iterate: How Product Content Pros Can Adopt/Adapt Agility (Part 2)

Sad as it is to say, self-directed, collaborative, and agile product development teams often don’t get content. That is, they don’t really understand where content comes from, how it is best developed, how to work with content creators, what’s required of the team as a whole, and why developing content can sometimes take longer than a 2-week sprint.

So it is often up to content professionals to educate (constantly), adapt (when necessary) and, above all, speak up about their requirements.

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How to Develop a Combined Content Audit and Plan

Conducting a comprehensive content audit, also known as an information survey, can be a daunting task, especially if your organization has a large inventory of content. But is an in-depth audit really needed for every situation?

You would conduct a full content audit if your organization was undergoing a significant transformation, such as a digital transformation, or as part of a continuous improvement effort. But sometimes the moment calls for something more targeted, less exhaustive–something that enables you to quickly develop a plan of action.

I refer to this kind of content audit as a project-based content audit or a combined content audit and plan.

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